Sunday, February 21, 2010


When I was nearing the end of my first student teaching placement, I asked my students (seventh and eighth graders) for advice. One student suggested that I do something to get kicked out of my second placement so that I could go back to the first school.

I assure you, I did not follow this advice. But it made me laugh. And feel really great. He liked me well enough that he wanted me to stay - or get sent back. I miss them.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I am a college graduate. what?

My diploma came in the mail this week.

As a lover of paper and a lover of words, I have to say, it is the most expensive piece of paper with the most amazing words that I've ever held in my hands.

It was so hard - SO hard - to get that piece of paper. And not just financially. Emotionally. Mentally. Physically. (Hello, 25 books that I carried around when I as writing my thesis!) (Why, oh why, did I think I needed to carry ALL of those books at one time?!)

And now it's over. I guess that some would argue that my life is just beginning. (How cliche.) Except I don't feel like it is. For so long, I was focused on finishing my thesis, finishing my portfolio, graduating, student teaching. And now it's done. Now what? I haven't found a teaching job. I'm scarily poor. I'm lonely. I have no classes to study for, no lessons to plan, no papers to grade, no parents to email. The boy and I were waiting to get married until after I finished school. And now I have. But - I don't feel any closer to getting married or having kids. What if I don't find a teaching job soon? Will I have to feel like this for months? It sucks. I worked so hard. I know I am a good teacher. I could get so much better, given the chance. I love learning. I LOVE teaching. And what am I doing? Nothing.

But I finally have a diploma in that fancy leather holder that I got a few months ago.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I've recently started watching reruns of Supernanny. I don't know if this show is still on regularly or just in reruns, but I am loving it. It's also a little scary - some of the parents are SO CLUELESS. And it's no wonder that some kids act the way they do in the classroom. Yikes. Kids need structure. Kids need boundaries. Kids need parents that are present and aware.

The mom on the episode that is on right now is more interested in cleaning that watching her four small children climbing on tables and sticking things in electrical sockets. Hello!?! And I'm pretty sure that her bumpit is showing in her crazy poofy hair. To top it off, her four year old is listening to gangsta rap on the mp3 player. What happens when she goes to kindergarten and asks where her hoes are at?

Well, here goes...

During my time student teaching, I frequently searched out and read teacher-written blogs to find inspiration (and avoid doing things I should have been doing at the time). I thought about starting my own blog, but never quite got around to it. Now I wish that I had. Even though I finished student teaching less than a month ago, the memories are fading. Things that seemed traumatic, inspiring, ridiculous, scary, important, etc. at the time are becoming a little fuzzy. So - as the cliche goes, there's no time like the present.

I have many goals for this blog:
- become a more reflective teacher
- de-stress by sharing thoughts and frustrations, as well as victories
- write more frequently and become a better writer
- create lists (I LOVE a good list) of things to try, books to read, books I've read, things to avoid, lists to make, etc.
- have fun :)

I plan to focus on my teaching experiences, but I get sidetracked easily, so I will not be surprised if I end up writing about a lot of other things.

All names, locations, and identifying details will be changed to protect privacy.